Ballantines Whisky 5 Years Old 70 cl
Ballantines Whisky 5 Years Old 70 cl. Imported to Italy.
Among the most famous and appreciated Scotch Whiskeys, Ballantine's occupies a place of absolute importance. The Ballantine's Finest Scotch Whiskey is a Blended of as many as 50 Single Malts whiskeys obtained only from malt and 4 Single Grains obtained only from wheat, a particular assembly that makes it unique and able to satisfy even those less accustomed to the strength of this type of distillate. With a bright gold colour, it reveals hints of vanilla, raisins and sweet spices, dried fruit, caramel and salty notes. It is warm and round, vaguely sweet, spicy and with a fine finish from woody memories. Perfect smooth or with an ice cube or in combination with a piece of 80% dark chocolate.